Monday, February 9, 2015

Not enough, Too many

Since the 15th December 2014 the Foundation has received over 40 calls for support from over 70+ drowning.  YES 40. YES SHOCKING 70+. Some of those are from multiple family members however many are from just the immediate family.   The sadness and grief is overwhelming at times, no doubt when we are all living it.

What really got my goat up today when I was discussing this shocking statistic was is our awareness doing its job?  Well for a start this advocacy journey is NOT A JOB, its a heartfelt walk that many of who have lost loved ones are trying to do as best we can and without funding to do it.   Some days are hard enough without the questioning of  'is it enough?'.  I often ask myself daily are we doing enough ?  Can we do it better?  For sure.  Absolutely we can.  However how much time is in the day?   Where is the Funding?   Sadly our work needs money, because social media is all we have and we have no staff to run our office.  Our volunteer families work their backsides off and often go unmentioned as they request but they are worthy of a very big thank you.

Just today, we were up early, on the phones helping a family attempting to organise a funeral, liaise with the funeral accounts department, get claim forms in , approvals, then off to do a media article, speak to more people, ring some contacts and its only 11am.    Spare me, we aren't doing enough. 

Where is the Community going to be with us on this issue?   Why do they blame us when it all goes wrong, when the statistics go so high yet some wont display our brochures or hear us speak?  Why is that when a drowning occurs the parents are always blamed yet no one knows the circumstances?  Why are you all so judgmental?

Before you criticise our awareness take a really good hard look at what we do.   We provide FREE advise for pool safety and advise for FREE the many photos sent to us with measurements and questions to ensure houses are compliant. This week I personally have researched TWO Coronial inquests, written two reports, searched our server for documents to supply to coroners and I still have more to do.  The multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter to keep people on top of messages is crucial we attempt a few posts a week sometimes more daily.  The list is endless then we have the government reporting to do and this month I'm behind in the filing (its kind of like doing laundry, put in the basket and hope it folds itself). 

We provide at minimal cost Pool safety inspections.   Talk to schools when allowed to help kids understand the dangers of water.  Its difficult to hear what kids tell us about what happens at home regarding boating and alcohol, not wearing life jackets and kids as young as Prep telling us that they bath their baby siblings.   Its darn horrifying and there are some days when I just come home, sit here and cry.   People just don't get it.   Why don't those who question us look at those government funded organisations?   Ask them what is it that they do?    If we focus on one factor of drowning, another factor goes up.  Drowning prevention needs to be consistent.  Its needs to be daily, in your face, constant and factual. 

Drowning is real.  Drowning can happen to anyone, anytime, any place.   Drowning only has the cure by Prevention.  So if you believe in our cause help make a donation instead of being critical of our passion. One day you might just need this examplorary service that is well documented and so many families are very grateful for.

Kat Plint.