Thursday, November 1, 2012

Media responsibility and safety messages

Media Release 2012

Pool drowning media footage sends wrong message

Hannah's Foundation, drowning prevention and awareness and advocacy group are concerned that media messages on recent pool drownings are sending the wrong message.

Andrew Plint, Founding Director and Licensed Pool Safety Inspector (Qld) said “Whilst it is pleasing to see a positive result after what could well have been a tragedy, it is vital to remember that this drowning would not have occurred if adult supervision and a compliant fence was in place.”

Mr Plint said “It is important to remember when articles like this appear in the media to highlight not only what has gone right (CPR) but what has gone wrong. It is through this combination of prevention messages in relation to drownings that we can help prevent further drowning tragedies.”

Kelly Taylor, Jaise’s Law New South Wales campaigner pleaded with Media to be extra careful when showing footage of drowning tragedies even in success stories.

Mrs Taylor said “On 23 October 2012 the New South Wales Parliament passed new laws in regards to the Swimming Pools Act and the footage shown on the media article was clearly in breach of this act”

Mrs Taylor said “Too many tragedies in backyard pools occur when supervision breaks down and a non-compliant pool fence or barrier is in place.  There are many potentially awaiting tragedies however in New South Wales with pools and their barriers that are non-compliant”

“I also want to congratulate the brother of this toddler on his quick thinking and his actions and commencing CPR on his little mate and saving his life.”

Mrs Taylor said “whilst this story may have looked as a feelgood story it is irrevocably painful to those who have not had a successful outcome and calls upon all media both in print and on television to band together and support the messages of supervision and barriers save lives’

She said “Jaise’s Law was passed for a reason and I'd like to see the message ‘Supervise with your eyes, not your ears, you won't hear drowning’™ and  “Don’t let your child drown in a non compliant pool” across all stations because sadly over the past eight weeks there have been deaths in Queensland and Western Australia and two other children on life support currently battling their medical complications caused by falling in a pool with non-compliant barriers”

The New South Wales pool safety campaign urges all media to get behind Hannah's Foundation and support their families and messages that the community in order to save young lives.

Mrs Taylor also calls upon the Minister Don Page MP, The Police Minister Mr Gallacher to urgently respond to the matter of non-compliant pool fences and drownings in non fatals and urges compliance of all pools prior 1992.  Every drowning irrespective of the outcome needs to be investigated by authorities by police and councils to ensure the safety of lives in children is paramount”

“The pool fence that I observed in the media in relation to this story was disturbing,  having lost a child and we can only learn from both this recent successful story and my own in Jaise’s loss to educate the public.  Non compliant pool fences and a breakdown in supervision is fatal”

Mrs Taylor said “I urge any pool owner in New South Wales, who has a young toddler, or has toddler is around them to urgently have their pool fences inspected and have them updated to the current pool safety standards irrespective of when their pool was constructed”

“A pool is a pool and every pool in New South Wales and across Australia requires a fence and every toddler in Australia deserves safety.  Your pool fence is your barrier it is your backup your second set of eyes when yours failed momentarily”

“Please support these messages because drowning tragedies of young children can be prevented with the right messages and the right public education and support.  Aussie kids deserve nothing less” She said.

Always around water:

Supervise every child and swimmer
Ensure Barriers are in place and compliant

For further comment please contact Kelly Taylor and Andrew Plint on 07 5465 2000

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